A guidepost is a sign, often placed at a crossroad to help travelers on their journey. Guideposts in our life can help us on our journey through life. When we reach a fork in the road our guidepost will help us know which path to travel.
Do you have guideposts for your journey in life?
We often go through days, weeks, months or even years without following any real guidepost. We go to work, or school because we are suppose to, but we are not sure that we are fulfilling our purpose in these activities. We blindly travel the road of life hoping to reach some destination, without knowing where we want to go or what path we want to take. The shortest route may be important or maybe the scenic path to your goal may be more desirable. Either way, you’ll want those guides to help you make the choices that are right for you. These guides may be called your life purpose or mission statement, but when you have a decision to make, it will help you continue towards your goals and dreams. We all make wrong turns at times, but when you come to the next crossroad, look at the guidepost and choose the path that follows your desires.
Before setting goals, it is helpful to know the direction you want to take. We all know people who have spent years in a job, unfulfilled and they don’t know why. We spend a third of our days working, but don’t we really want to do more than make money? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel ultimately fulfilled and the income is just an additional incentive instead of the only reason for those 8 hours a day?
Your Statement
How do you discover a life purpose or statement that will guide you on this sometimes challenging journey? Sometimes the idea of trying to figure out your own purpose can be overwhelming. Interesting questions to ask are –What is the purpose of our society or of humanity? Why are we here? What are we meant to do as a society? What could we, as a species be doing? What should we be doing to have the "perfect world"? Sounds big, but it will give a perspective on your view of the world and what it should be. This will be different for everyone, but will give you a sense of our purpose, as a society, from your perspective.
When I was trying to refocus my own life, I found these questions were the most difficult to answer, but once I came up with my answer, it really helped clarify things. I think we are all here to help one another become more and live better lives. This led me to know that my purpose would help others be more and experience more in life. My personal life statement is “Let me help others experience more, enjoy more, be more.”
When you reach a fork in the road and need to make a decision, look to your guidepost, your life statement and let that guide you down a path that will give you purpose.
I’d love to hear your life statements or purpose. Send me a message to Stacey@StaceyKirkpatrick.com or comment on this blog or on Facebook.
Thank you and live each day with purpose.