Sometimes you have to break it down in order to build it back up again. Transforming your life can be difficult if you’ve held on to the same way of living for so long. We start building the walls and we spend so long perfecting the outer shell that we forget about the foundation. Over time the walls sag and crumble, but we put up with status quo because we’ve put so much time into those walls. Overtime people push on those walls and drive holes in them, holes that you are not prepared to deal with, holes that cannot be fixed.
Sometimes you just have to know when to knock them down and start fresh and this time you have the knowledge that will build the foundation for stronger, sturdier walls. You work on the inner house and not only the walls that surround you and face the world. You see the importance of the inner stability and balance and you build a home that will stand the test of time.
Don’t be afraid to start fresh, whether someone has torn apart your life or you have to tear it down yourself. It can be hard. You’ll feel like you’re out in the dark of night and you won’t be able to see. You’ll wonder if you’re going in the right direction or if you might walk off an edge. Trust in yourself and look up, because once you stop and look up you’ll see the stars, the little lights that are the light at the end of the tunnel. As you progress through that dark night, keep looking up at the stars. You may be tired and wonder how you can possibly go on, but I promise that eventually one time when you look up, you’ll realize that the sky seems a little brighter. Dawn has not come, but you start to see the faint impressions of the world around you and with each passing moment the world around you becomes clearer and clearer until you see the morning sun and find your way back to where you need to be, where you can rebuild your life.